Give an unbelievable twist to your Dubai vacation with parasailing in Dubai with Beach Riders Dubai. Our expert team can make your Dubai holiday the most memorable one by organizing the safest and most unforgettable parasailing experience possible ever.

The thrill of parasailing multiplies when one experiences it amidst a bird’s eye view of Dubai, dazzling water, and sparkling sand beaches like never before.

Glide through the warm breeze, gaze down at the magnificent beaches, unparalleled waters, and iconic marvels along the coast of the Arabian Gulf. You can also choose to have a dip in the water or remain dry throughout the ride, depending on your preference.

If you are parasailing for the first time, make sure the experience to be a great one. And the first step is by choosing the best parasailing company Dubai has on its list. A good company for parasailing in Dubai will provide you with quality equipment, have substantial experience, and can make sure that your adventure will be a safe and memorable one. Although parasailing in Dubai is an exciting activity, you should take the time to find a company that can put your mind at ease. The less you worry the more fun it will be.

Why Should One Go For Parasailing in Dubai?

  • Admire the stunning views over Dubai’s water and coastline.
  • Get the most awe-inspiring views over Dubai’s most iconic sights.
  • Feel the rush as you gently float above the water and through the air eventually.

A beach vacation is incomplete without participating in any water sports activities like parasailing. Remember to check on the weather so you can plan ahead of time. Always plan in advance as the weather conducive for flying can fill up booking quickly.

Peak seasons will be fully booked most of the time. Book with a company that takes its time to explain what’s going to happen during the activity. You will be required to wear a life vest as a safety measure. Once it’s your turn, you will be placed on the seat secured by a harness to soar high.

You can choose the option whether to parasail with your partner or with a few companions. When choosing to parasail with your companion/companions, the captain will take your weight limit and the water and wind condition into consideration before you venture into the adventure.

For first-time parasailers, you need to keep in mind that the launch is the highly-anticipated part of the activity. Even if you have already heard about the thrill by hearing to other parasailers, nothing beats experiencing the adventure yourself. During the launch, the process is steady, unlike the roller coaster ride which tends to speed up.

Looking for exciting water sports activities to get out on Dubai’s water? Visit

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